Monday, December 14, 2009

Are we the genesis

Are We The Genesis?
Man is looking out into space
Longing for there to be
Other sentient intelligent beings.
He cannot bare the thought of being
Alone in this great ocean of space.
He insists the law of averages must apply
That other life must exist.
But just suppose that we are the Genesis.
That here on this planet all life will evolve
That will ever evolve in the universe,
That we are still in the primeval stage
Of all that God would have us be.
We have seen the ascent of man,
We witness it in our growing knowledge
Of where we have been and
From where we have come from.
In language and architecture
In developing cultures
In theological and philosophical ideas,
Layer upon layer has been laid down
So now in this present time
We are unlocking more of ourselves
In terms of genetic understanding.
We are out in space with no idea where to go,
For all seems dead
Beyond our light and understanding.
Yet in spite of this we remain primitive,
Unable to find ways to stop humanities
Urge to kill and go to war.
Unable to find a means to feed the millions
Who starve in a world of plenty,
Unable to work together despite our fear
Of loneliness in the cosmos.
So perhaps we are the Genesis
Evolving moving on reaching out
Into our unknown
Discovering how to grope our way
Into space into our minds
Into what makes us what we are;
Until the time will come when from here
All life will seed the universe,
That man will either go on and up
Or here the experiment in freedom
Will grind to a shuddering cataclysmic halt.
Yes maybe we are the Genesis
The Revelation lies far ahead.

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